Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Do you feel like you are a bad parent?

Many parents feel frustrated and hopeless about their families.

The truth is that you need the right tools for the job...and the right kind of support to make parenting work!

"Parents learn the system of walking in a new way!"

Parenting in today's society is different from when most parents grew up. The rules have changed and the dangers to our children have increased. In desperation, parents go to the "experts" for help and what do they tell them to do? Put their child in time out! As Dr. Phil says: "How's that working for you?"

But don't blame the professionals. They are products of society too. They grew up in the same system of parenting as you did. The truth is that many don't know what to do different either.

What we all need as parents today are the tools and the know-how walk in a new way and find new hope and happiness. Sound too good to be true? It's not.

Challenges will occur at different times throughout the life of your family. As your child grows and changes, new problems will come up. We want to be there, to help you, for each and every issue.

>> Will your two-year old have the same issues as your twelve year old?

>> Are non-traditional families exactly the same as a two-parent traditional family?

>> Can you predict what tomorrow will be like or ensure that your family will not encounter some serious problem in the future?

The ANSWER is no. That is why we are here for you! You don't have to have all the answers for every situation, for every problem that has or will come up.